Art Symphony's First Wine & Canvas

November 24, 2013  •  3 Comments

It was a success! I feel incredibly blessed and a little bit on cloud nine as I re-play in my mind last night's event. I gathered fourteen wonderful friends, old and new, to help me celebrate Art Symphony with a Kick-Start Wine & Canvas. As the wine was poured and everyone warmed by the fire, we visited with each other as we anticipated the painting ahead. I was amazed with these people as they went beyond their comfort zone and followed me through a painting. From beginning to end, I watched them go from slightly doubting their abilities to putting on the last red poppy with pride.

Art Symphony has been a long-time dream and over the years, I often wondered if I would ever really find my chance to make it happen. Thanks to my friend, Anita Miller at the Artist's Roost, I am finally seeing my dream take shape. She has been so kind to embrace me into her space to reconnect myself with studio arts. My photography has been such a focus for the past year that I honestly couldn't remember the last time I picked up a paint brush. What started as me asking to rent some space mainly just to get myself back in front of a canvas, quickly evolved into much more than that! As we brainstormed all the ways I can make use of the studio, I told her of my wish to reach out to the community and teach art to children and also bring adults together in a non-critical environment where they can find their inner artist. So thank you, Anita, for your support in this! And thank you to my friend, Jill Connor, for helping with the event. She hung Christmas lights out in the freezing cold, she baked cookies, she worked the room squeezing paint on palettes while I instructed and at the end of the night, she even washed each and every paint brush for me.

Jill and I at the end of the event. My very first art apron was a surprise gift from Angelique Smith. She even had it embroidered with "Art Symphony" and my name. Thank you to all my friends for your love and support!!

Please visit Anita Miller's website: and check out Jill's absolutely wonderful art:


Congratulations on what appears to be a very successful evening! The smiles on everyone's faces tells a wonderful story of fun and happiness. Keep it going?
ali deck(non-registered)
So, so awesome my friend! I wish I hadn't gotten lost for an hour! ;) I will make it there! gorgeous work! xo
Everything turned out wonderful!!! The company, the paintings, the instructor! It was a great night :)
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