Because I am a mother first and all else falls into place when time allows, I'm realizing that photo editing opportunities are sometimes non existent and blogging is very challenging to keep up with if I'm failing to get my camera out. But I'm not allowing myself to feel guilty if weeks go by and I don't feel like I have anything worth saying. The whole point of photography and blogging (for me) is to bring happiness and fulfill my creative whims.
There is something I know about myself and over the years, this side of me has both been blissful and a curse. I have so many creative ideas flowing through my head most hours of the day but my free time and bank account don't always support these ideas which can leave me feeling frustrated, cranky and unfulfilled. I have learned to channel these feelings towards positive outlets that time does allow and money isn't an issue. This past month has been challenging for me. Because of this cold, rainy weather we've been having, I haven't felt much clarity to find that special space of creativity. But once in a while, that happy place presents itself and I remember that art and photography holds magic in the eye of the beholder and when I lift my camera, I am the beholder. Remembering that, keeps it much simpler and reminds me that its all just for fun.
What better place to find inspiration and take pictures than in my own home and of my own children? This is a continuation of capturing daily life as it actually is (in no particular order).

I took this moments before bedtime when both kids were completely relaxed and lost in their last minute projects. These two run in opposite directions most of the time and its so nice and peaceful to see them quietly spending time together.

My kids are obsessed with Photo Booth. Seeing Ethan without his two front teeth makes me laugh. He can't quite pronounce certain words without those teeth! So funny and sweet.
Ella's very special place. She loves her desk and spends hours here drawing and creating. She's just like her mom.
Drawing is to Ella as basketball is to Ethan.
One of the lovely things about capturing daily life for me, is that I'm taking photographs of the kids doing everyday normal things. I'm not only pulling out my camera when there are milestones or celebrations. Many years from now, I will be so happy to look back at these simple quiet moments in my children's lives. Here, Ella is home sick from school. I love these stolen days home with her, just the two of us.

These next few were taken at that lovely early dusk golden window. Shooting into the intense light left this peaceful soft chiaroscuro from black to white.

The photo below is completely untouched. The gorgeous haziness is a happy accident that many photographers use Photoshop actions to achieve.